Isda Master Agreement Scope

The ISDA Master Agreement Scope: What You Need to Know

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) is a global organization that sets standards for the derivatives market. The ISDA Master Agreement is a standardized document that governs the relationship between parties who enter into derivatives transactions.

The scope of the ISDA Master Agreement is an important consideration for parties who are contemplating entering into a derivatives transaction. Here are some key things you need to know about the scope of the ISDA Master Agreement.

What Transactions are Covered by the ISDA Master Agreement?

The ISDA Master Agreement is designed to govern a wide range of derivatives transactions. These transactions include interest rate swaps, credit default swaps, foreign exchange swaps, equity swaps, and commodity swaps.

The ISDA Master Agreement is also designed to cover future transactions between the same parties. This means that once the parties have entered into an ISDA Master Agreement, they can enter into additional transactions without having to renegotiate the terms of the agreement.

What Terms are Covered by the ISDA Master Agreement?

The ISDA Master Agreement contains a number of standard terms that are designed to provide a framework for derivatives transactions. These terms include:

– Termination Events: These are events that trigger the early termination of the transaction.

– Close-out Amount: This is the amount that one party owes the other party when the transaction is terminated.

– Calculation Agent: This is the entity responsible for calculating the value of the transaction.

– Governing Law: This is the law that governs the transaction.

In addition to these standard terms, parties can also include additional provisions in the ISDA Master Agreement to address specific issues related to their transaction.

What Parties are Covered by the ISDA Master Agreement?

The ISDA Master Agreement is designed to govern transactions between two parties. These parties are typically financial institutions such as banks, but can also include corporations, hedge funds, and other entities.

The ISDA Master Agreement is not designed to govern transactions between an individual and a financial institution. Instead, individual investors should consult with their financial advisor before entering into any derivatives transactions.


The ISDA Master Agreement is an important document that provides a standard framework for derivatives transactions. Parties who are contemplating entering into a derivatives transaction should carefully review the scope of the ISDA Master Agreement and consult with their legal and financial advisors to ensure that the terms of the agreement are appropriate for their needs. With proper guidance and understanding, parties can enter into derivatives transactions with confidence and security.

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