State the Principles of Agreement between Asean Countries

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a regional intergovernmental organization that promotes cooperation and economic integration among its member states. As of 2021, the organization comprises 10 member states, namely Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. While ASEAN countries are diverse in terms of culture, language, and socio-economic development, they share common values and principles that guide their cooperation and mutual understanding.

Here are some of the key principles of agreement between ASEAN countries:

1. Non-interference in the internal affairs of member states: ASEAN countries are committed to respecting each other`s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence. They refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of member states and respect the principle of non-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries.

2. Peaceful settlement of disputes: ASEAN countries are committed to resolving disputes among themselves in a peaceful manner through dialogue, consultation, and negotiation. They also respect international law, including the United Nations Charter and the International Court of Justice.

3. Mutual respect and understanding: ASEAN countries recognize the importance of mutual respect and understanding for building trust and confidence among member states. They promote dialogue, exchange of information, and cultural cooperation to enhance mutual understanding and appreciation of each other`s diversity.

4. Collaboration in economic development: ASEAN countries are committed to promoting economic cooperation and integration to achieve sustained economic growth, social progress, and shared prosperity. They work together to eliminate barriers to trade and investment, enhance connectivity, and promote regional economic integration.

5. Promotion of regional peace and stability: ASEAN countries recognize the importance of maintaining regional peace and stability for the well-being of their peoples and the prosperity of the region. They work together to prevent conflict, promote stability, and address security challenges through dialogue, cooperation, and collective action.

In conclusion, the principles of agreement between ASEAN countries are based on mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation. By working together, ASEAN countries have made significant progress in promoting regional peace, stability, and economic integration. As the region faces new challenges and opportunities, ASEAN countries will continue to uphold these principles and strengthen their cooperation for the benefit of their peoples and the region as a whole.

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