Subject Verb Agreement Rules and Examples Slideshare

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial component of grammar that every writer needs to master to ensure effective communication. Whether you’re writing a blog post, a book, or a research paper, proper subject-verb agreement is essential to maintain the coherence and clarity of your writing. In this article, we will take a closer look at subject-verb agreement rules and provide examples from the popular platform, SlideShare.

Subject-Verb Agreement Rules

Before we dive into the examples from SlideShare, it’s important to understand some basic rules of subject-verb agreement:

1. A singular subject requires a singular verb, while a plural subject needs a plural verb.

For example: The dog barks loudly. (singular subject and verb), The dogs bark loudly. (plural subject and verb)

2. When a subject consists of singular and plural nouns joined by ‘or’ or ‘nor,’ the verb should agree with the part that is closer to it.

For example: My mother or my sisters are going to wash the dishes. (plural subject and verb)

3. If the subject is a collective noun, it can be treated as singular or plural depending on the context.

For example: The team is playing well. (singular subject and verb), The team are arguing among themselves. (plural subject and verb)

Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement on SlideShare

Here are some examples of subject-verb agreement taken from SlideShare:

1. “The Power of Storytelling” by Disha Sagar

Correct: Stories have the ability to captivate an audience.

Incorrect: Stories has the ability to captivate an audience.

2. “Writing Excellent Paragraphs” by Sarah E. Klein

Correct: The main idea of a paragraph should be clearly stated in the opening sentence.

Incorrect: The main idea of a paragraph should be clearly stated in the opening sentences.

3. “How to Make an Infographic” by Venngage

Correct: Infographics are an effective way to visually represent complex data.

Incorrect: Infographics is an effective way to visually represent complex data.

By following these simple rules of subject-verb agreement, you can make sure that your writing is grammatically correct and conveys your message effectively. In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a critical aspect of grammar that every writer should master, and SlideShare provides excellent examples to help you understand the concept better.

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